Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Okay... sucking out air can't be rocket science!

Okay..... so I'm a sucker for infomercials (let's be honest... who doesn't want to try the latest 6 in 1 bottle opener or miraculous stain fighting all natural cleaner!?!). Whenever the "Space Saver"
infomercial comes on I just am in awe of how much stuff gets condensed into these flat little packages of plastic! Down comforters, pillows, blankets, you name it - it can be flattened! So when I found out I was moving it was on like Donkey Kong to get as many Space Saver bags as I could to save space! Well.... truth be told - infomercials do not always tell the truth. It is NOT as easy as it looks and I am having quite a time getting mine as flat as theirs. Actually.... mine will never be as flat as theirs and I've come to accept that (I bet I need a super powered vacuum cleaner operated by only 2 double A batteries on one of the other infomercials). Below you will find my very frustrating experience with Space Saver bags.

I bought a 3 pack at Target 2 weeks ago - 1 jumbo, 1 extra large, 1 large. I thought for sure this would hold pretty much all my linens, blankets, pillow, and towels and I would only need maybe 2 more bags for clothes (WRONG!!!! Apparently I'm not very good at predictions...). So I begin to pack up my bags trying to follow the "instructions" on the side of the box (which only tell you on average what will fit into each bag.... doesn't tell you anything about how to pack it). Then comes the best part - the sucking of the air! I bring out my vacuum, suck out the air, and I'm left with an ultra lumpy, no air in the bag,.... bag. Way cool - I actually called my mom about it and bragged about how simple and amazing this was - even though it wasn't flat like they showed in the picture! I then proceeded to fill up my other 2 bags and flatten them out - overly excited by the end about how much space I saved.
Well.... don't let looks deceive you! 2 days later I notice that my "sucked-out-air bags" are actually now full-of-air bags! Rather than think it was the bags, I assumed it was the way I packed them. I unpacked all of the bags, repacked them, sucked out the air (enjoying the whole experience again because it is just SO COOL!) and called my mom ... yet again... to brag about how much flatter I got them this time (still very lumpy though of course). Well....

the bags expanded again - but this time only 2 of the 3! Whoo hooo - I definitely did something right in the one! So... I unzipped them, re-zipped them, re sucked out the air (and yes... I enjoyed the process again), wiped my hands clean of this because for sure the third time is a charm.

WRONG AGAIN! 1 of them is holding up pretty well.... 1 of them is eh.... alright.... and 1 of them LOVES AIR TOO MUCH! It is pretty much back inflated after just 2 days! But do not worry --- I shall try again! I WILL NOT GIVE UP!

Here's my question - WHAT AM I DOING WRONG??? These are the greatest invention ever for moving and I really want to use them (in case you can't tell... I have not given up after 4 tries!). HELP!

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