Sunday, June 13, 2010


Well it's been awhile since my last blog post but I have worked 96 hours at the pool in the past 4 weeks on top of finishing up my school year in North Carolina so that is my excuse for not blogging!! Thursday, June 10 was my last day teaching in Charlotte! It was very bittersweet for me. I am so excited to move on to a new experience but it was very hard for me to say good bye to my adorable and sweet class (by far the best class I have had in my 3 years of teaching). They were everything a teacher could ask for in a class: funny, sweet, accepting, tolerant, smart, laughed at my jokes, supported one another - they were what I wish we all could be like to others. They helped one another out all the time without me even asking and when others made a mistake they would actually say 'That's okay! It was a great try!'. To hear those words come out of 5 and 6 year olds mouths is just a great feeling to know that those kids are our future:)

So June 11 was my final teacher workday at my school. Derrick came throughout the week to pick up boxes and on June 11 he made 2 trips to pack me up completely. My room that I have been in for the past 3 years was no longer mine. And everything that accumulated into my classroom was now in my dining room.... and also exploding into my hallway and living room. I took pictures so you could really see what I was dealing with when we finally unpacked the second load from my car (overwhelming to say the least).

my dining room:

my living room:

I wanted to come home on the 11th and just relax and do nothing but once I saw what my apartment looked like I had to get to work. Derrick took apart the futon in the second bedroom and organized empty boxes while I moved, taped, labeled, sorted, and reorganized the dining room. Now all boxes that are in the dining room are full, taped, labeled, and ready to go. Marjoity of the boxes in the picture below are from my classroom. I'd like to say I'm not a hoarder when it comes to teaching materials but when I was cleaning out my cabinets I definitely found not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 (YES FOUR) big storage bags of beans. I don't know why.... but then I also found 4 (YES FOUR) big storage bags of rice!! I promise those are not packed in any of my boxes. The thing with teaching that many of you may not understand is that little kids don't mind if things are slightly used because to them it is new. And they actually find it cool when I say "The first graders used those boxes last year!". So I continue to save everything because as you know teaching is not the highest paid profession and why buy something new when the old stuff works just fine (even if it does have scribble on the outside of it - my next class is going to scribble on it too!). When Derrick said "How did you accumulate all of this stuff" I simply said "I have no idea but I use it all!".

Organized dining room:

Tomorrow is my first Monday off from both school and the pool!! I plan to get a lot of packing done and will probably reorganize the boxes again. We set up the storage unit to move out of my apartment June 29 so only 16 days to go!! I have a visit home to Ohio for my best friend's wedding and 40 hours a week at the pool so on my days off I will be consumed with packing and blogging to keep everyone posted!

On a side note.... SPACE SAVER BAGS ROCK!! I still have my token bag that will not stay sealed but I am going to say that pillows and blankets just do not do well in the bags. All of my clothes are still very tightly sealed and unfortunately in the picture you can't really see them (because they are so flat ... well lumpy but flat) but they are still so awesome. If you ever need a little pick me up I highly suggest buying them just to have some fun with:) It really will bring a smile to your face!

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