Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 4 - Valencia

We woke up very early and took the subway to the train station!  We were getting pretty confident in our travels I must say:)  We didn't really know what to do once we arrived and it was crazy hussle and bustle everywhere - I now fully understand and feel more compassion for travelers in the airport that don't speak English and are confused - visual signs don't help!

Anywho - we talked with some people, met an awesome worker there who was just fabulous in making me fully understand that no... we do not open the security to the train or board until 20 minutes before it leaves.  What a different way of life:)  We got some breakfast and waited in line.

We also met a really nice Barcelonian girl and got to talking to her who thought we were so lucky because we were living her dream - to live in America... interesting.  We gave her our leftover bus passes since she was so kind and helped us out with navigating around :)

Got on the train and prepared ourselves for the 3 hour train ride.  We took a slow train to see things more and kind of relax.  It was pretty neat on there - comfy seats, a place to get food and beer and hang out - there really aren't many rules!

We got off and took a cab to our hostal.  We could not believe it when we pulled up.  Amazing location and beyond beautiful hostal.  Frommers again!
That's our hostal - the white one right in the middle!

We unpacked, put on our suits, and headed to the beach!  This was our only day to do it and we really wanted to see the Mediterranean.  The bus ride took forever - like seriously almost an hour - but it was nice to see things.  We wanted to grab some lunch when we we got there but apparently before 5pm you HAVE to order 2 meals - no appetizers - and so we opted to grab an ice cream cone and enjoy the amazing scenery, gorgeous water and naked people - yep naked beaches of course - the European way:)  No, we stayed fully 'clothed' in our suits.

When we got back we walked around a bit and I was in love.  Valencia was to die for - it was just a beautiful city everywhere we went.  I loved it.  We showered and had reservations for an awesome restaurant and headed out.  Valencia is super small so getting around is pretty easy.  On our walk we found some cool restaurants-  one even called Deli Kate - making your days taste better!

Awesome!  We soon met the owner because we couldn't find the restaurant... don't worry it moved and no one informed us!  No worries!  We went  back towards our hostal and had the BEST Italian and Sangria I've ever had.  Again, Derrick spoke too soon and when the server asked if he wanted fruit in his Sangria and he said no (he doesn't like it getting in the way of drink) she gave him the most hurtful look and gave it to him anyways.  Again, he learned he needs to change his ways in Spain - then again why ask if you're going to do it anyways? hahahaha.

He opted to eat the fruit immediately :) so yummy!

Valencia is a pretty safe city so afterwards we walked around at night and enjoyed the night lights and relaxed.  What an amazing day we had!

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