As if I didn't have enough going on this past week between moving, looking for jobs, interviewing for nanny positions, tutoring, and meeting with the guy who is doing my taxes (and charging me a ridiculous amount), Mia got really sick and we have had to monitor her and visit the vet a couple times.
On Monday we moved in and we anticipated Mia being very stressed out, like she was when I moved into the first apartment in Austin. Well she did great! She wasn't stressed or anything. Tuesday morning, around 3:00AM she woke up me and was whining like crazy. I took her out and she was walking around with her tail between her legs whimpering. I thought okay... now she is stressed out. Maybe she thought we were just visiting and now she knows we are living here.
When I left for school I told Derrick about it and he said she did that most of the day but didn't whimper anymore. When I got home and the more I watched her I noticed she did have her tail between her legs, but she was also squatting and straining so hard. I was a little worried and googled the symptoms. It said if she had any traces of blood then she probably had a UTI -- well low and behold and thank god for her hairyness but there was a little on her in her "special area". So we got in the car and headed to the vet in the middle of rush hour traffic. It took us 40 minutes to get there but thank goodness we went.
When we got there the vet immediately said, "this isn't a UTI... her bladder is full". Apparently with a UTI or a bladder infection the bladder is always empty because just like humans, you always feel the need to go. Well... hers was 3 TIMES THE NORMAL SIZE. Not good. She asked us when she last went and we thought she was going whenever we took her out but we weren't for sure .... it could've been over 24 hours ago.
So they took her back for an X-ray to see if she had any blockage like stones or crystals and tried to insert a catheter to drain her bladder. Good news was there were no stones or crystals... bad news - they couldn't get in the catheter. I guess it is very hard to do on females, especially if they aren't sedated. Somehow they drained her bladder half way and sent a sample off to be tested which would take a few days. For the time being they gave her 2 sets of medicine - one to treat a UTI if that is what she had and one to treat her pain (she was in a lot - poor thing) and bring down the inflammation. What they were thinking was her bladder infection got so severe that she swelled herself shut... *OUCH*. If she didn't go throughout the night enough, not just dribbles (yep we had to watch) then she would have to come back in in the morning for immediate surgery to insert the catheter and drain it fully.
Luckily by the time we got home after 30 minutes Mia began peeing - THANK THE LORD!. We had to put up the baby gate in the kitchen and keep her in there. Normally she would whine behind the gate but she was in so much pain she just laid there, would stand up, go pee, go lay down, go pee, go lay down - etc. In 10 minutes she went 15 times:( Poor thing.
We are now going onto day #5 and she has barely any blood in her pee anymore (yep... we have to check it) and she even went ALL NIGHT last night with no peeing. Our walks are another story... she squats every 30 seconds and as unenjoyable as it is for me, I can only imagine for her. We got back the results and it really was a UTI so they kept her on the same antibiotics but because hers was so bad they gave her a different medicine to get calm down her bladder and slow the urges.
Sweet Mia - just lounging... don't mind the laundry or mess in the background, unpacking/organizing comes in phases
What an eventful week we had! Derrick left yesterday to go skiing for a week with friends in Lake Tahoe. I have a ton to do for the apartment, researching jobs, talking with potential nanny positions, and doing report cards (4th quarter is ALMOST HERE - OMG - 10 weeks left). I took off on Monday for a Dr appointment and opted to take the whole day because I'm not sure when I will get out and I could use a day. The following week is spring break.... still not sure if or what we will do... might be a last minute thing:)
Shew... on a side note -- we LOVE our new place. Pics to come but just know... we have a lot to do with decorating and stuff!!
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