Friday, March 4, 2011


After one of my latest posts about the breakdown of a teachers salary I thought this would be interesting... to break down my own. And being that our salaries are public knowledge this won't come as any huge disclosure about myself... so here goes...

I make a little over 42,000 a year - so we will make it even
Salary - 42,000
# of days teaching - 175

That's $240 a day

I teach from 7:30-2:30 (7 hours) I am there from 6:30-3:30 (9 hours but we won't include that)

That's $34 an hour

I have 19 students in my class

That's $1.80 a CHILD PER HOUR. Really.... REALLY!?!?!?

I'm not going to eliminate their 1/2 hour for recess or 1/2 hour for lunch because I am still there and if one of them gets sick, hurt, cries, lost, I'm who they come get. I'm never off the clock.

Interesting... how many babysitters can you find to pay $1.80 an hour? Tell them that's how much a certified teacher makes so why should a 10 year old get paid more?

Hahaha oh man... just something funny to think about. I still love my job <3

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